Current Issues
How Different are Girls and Boys as Bullies and Victims? Comparative Perspectives on Gender and Age in the Bullying Dynamics Ana Gomes, Mariana Costa Martins, Beatriz Silva, Edite Ferreira, Odete Nunes, Alexandre Castro Caldas 237-260 PDF An International Comparison Study Exploring the Influential Variables Affecting Studentsβ Reading Literacy and Life Satisfaction Hyewon Chung, Jung-In Kim, Eunjin (EJ) Jung, Soyoung Park 261-292 PDF
The Mediating Role of Self-Regulation in the Relationship between Parenting Behaviors and Early Mathematical Development in Peruvian Preschool Children MartΓn Malaspina, Lupe Garcia Ampudia 293-313 PDF
Motivation: A Key Predictor of College GPA, College Match, and First-Year Retention
Jill M. Norvilitis, Howard M. Reid, Karen O’Quin 314-338