Journal Name: International Journal of Emerging Knowledge Studies

ISSN: 2583-7354 (Online)

Language: English Only

Frequency of the publication: Monthly

Format of the publication: Online

Subject : Multidisciplinary Subjects

Publisher: International Journal of Emerging Knowledge Studies

Address: Mr. Sathish Kumar K, 336A, Thidalkkottai(street), Peruvayal, Tamilnadu, India.
Contact Email: connectijeks@gmail.com


Submission Last Date: 15-June-2024
Review Status: 1-3 Weeks
Paper publication: 3 Days

International Journal of Emerging Knowledge Studies is a peer-reviewed, Open Access, and fast-processing journal that publishes original research articles and reviews articles in several engineering, science, arts, management, social science, and technology areas to enhance scientific research work free of charge. International Journal of Emerging Knowledge Studies aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which digital technology can enhance education, through the publication of high-quality research, which extends theory and practice. International Journal of Emerging Knowledge Studies enables its readers to access published papers free of cost, which helps split the knowledge. Thereby guaranteeing scholars, scientists, academicians, Engineers, and engineering and technology students to read, reprint, and distribute to facilitate academic and research activities.


  • Free open-access journal.
  • Fast response after receiving paper.
  • Simple submission process.
  • Monthly paper publication.
  • Provide a free soft copy of the certificate of publication to each author.
  • Provide a free Crossref DOI number (Processing).
  • Strictly goes through the plagiarism process.
  • Papers can be submitted by authors anywhere, anytime.
  • Publication Guidelines- COPE Guidelines
  • Free Crossref similarity check.
  • 24*7 authors query or problem-resolving system.